How Do We Know there is a God Who Cares About Us?
How do we know there is a God Who cares about us?
We know because when we err, we sometimes feel an inner sense of sadness, regret or remorse. Maybe it's been a long time since you felt bad about something you did. You've developed a hard shell and perhaps a phony, false way of staying on the surface. You can bustle about busily saying things you don't mean, meddling in other's business, and making prideful prognostications. Perhaps you have been hurt and now you refuse to admit you are wrong.
But long ago, when you were a little child you were closer to God then you are now. When you did something wrong, you felt bad inside. That was your conscience--your closest link to God.
We know God exists because sometimes when we do something wrong, we secretly feel bad about it. Look carefully, and you will see that when you feel bad it is for having acted without love and understanding. To the receptive soul, God wordlessly and gently makes it aware that it has strayed from a sweet and simple way. You became angry and were cruel when you could have overlooked. You went along with wrong for peace or approval when you could have stood for what is right.
Your conscience won't bother you for missing the putt, not getting the promotion, spilling paint on your shoes, or losing your car keys. Your conscience doesn't seem to care if you don't get the best deal on airline tickets or buy the most fuel efficient car.
But your conscience does seem to care if you resent your mom, hate your dad, are impatient with your child, or ignore your bother because he is not cool. Your conscience does care about human beings and human relationships.
A real human is kind, courageous, patient, and does not tease others or tempt them to be ambitious. Conscience is persistent but gentle. It gently reminds you of your need for patience and of your need to be forgiving. Conscience is humanizing. We know of God, in Whose image and likeness we were created, when we see understanding and patience in another. And we sense His immediate nearness when we know deep down in our heart that we have strayed from honoring and living what is right. And when you quietly admit your wrong and are sorry, you are reconciled to conscience (and God). Then joy returns.
There are very delicate and subtle issues involved when it comes to dealing with others. The secrets of how to deal with others with wisdom and grace are made known to those who love truth and who seek the truth with all their heart. These pure in heart make knowing what is right more important than their own ego. But even these are still sometimes selfish and resentful, having fallen to the tease of the world.
But at a certain point, God begins to draw the potential children of God to Himself. And it begins with their conscience getting stronger and showing them their hatreds and phoniness. Saddened by what they see about themselves, but also realizing they are helpless to make themselves better, they cry out to their Creator. And He answers His child.
Those who do not love the truth hate being made aware of their wrong. But those blessed ones who love truth are glad to see their errors and be sorry.
It's all about relationships. The relationship between the soul and its Maker. And our relationship with others. God shares His subtle truth with receptive souls. And if you don't think that the laws governing the relationship between people are important and subtle, then see what the result is without God's delicate intuitive guidance. The soul that yields to conscience becomes more and more sensitive about what conscience (intuition) is wordlessly telling it.
But the prideful ones think they know and continue blundering through life.