We must find our way back to the inner spiritual environment through searching, proper meditation, and repentance.

The Way of Wisdom
by Roland Trujillo

The inner spiritual environment we fell from,
and the outer environment we fell into,
have two different ways of learning.

The outer way is learning through reacting, compensating and adapting.
The inner way is the way of discovery and realization.

The outer way is concentrating, emotional reaction, trauma, imprinting and memory.
The inner way is the way of de-fixating, of calm observation,
and wordless realization.
It is seeing, believing, trusting, letting go,
and experiencing joy.

The outer way is the way of effort, struggle, and memory.
It is the way of trying to remember and trying to hang on.
The inner way is the way of letting go.
It liberates us from the need to try to hang onto a memory or insight.
It is trusting that the Light will always be there in our moment of need,
giving us to know what is useful at that moment.

The outer way is the way of doubt, worry and fear.
The inner way is letting go of memory and knowledge.
It is the way of faith, trust, and courage.

The outer way is the way of forced awareness, tension, and suspicion.
The inner way is the way of effortless awareness and watching without worry.
The inner way is knowing the Light is there
And trusting in it to always be there, alerting us, guiding us and protecting us
In our next moment of need.

The outer way is the way of reacting and playing the other man’s game.
The inner way is the way of inner motivation, and
moving intuitively in one’s own time and space.

The outer way is being surprised by events and reacting.
The inner way is seeing a little ahead with foresight.

The outer way is mistrust, judgment, and looking for selfish advantage.
The inner way is the way of being preset
with the proper mindset (overlooking error)
and pre armed with the proper energy (patience).

The outer way is the way of failing and reacting,
then escaping into thought and imagination.
The inner way is living in reality in the eternal now.

The outer way is the way of discord, tension, struggle and fatigue.
The inner way is the way of healing, harmony and balance.

The outer way is attachment to people, possessions and memories.
The inner way is detachment and healthy distance.
It is the way of attachment and rapport with our Parent Spirit within
and living in His beautiful Light of truth and love.

The outer way is the way of clinging and worry.
The inner way is the way of the light touch and true concern.
It is the way of true love for our fellow human beings
emanating from calm patience
and waiting without worry.

The outer way is the way of withdrawal and defeat.
The inner way is the way of friendly neutrality,
True purpose and
fearless adventuring.

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